Saturday, February 18, 2012

Emirates- pitch work.

The headline was debated upon and changed. I prefer my first take which was  'Time flies with Emirates'

Trend Micro Titanium Antivirus- Pitch winning work

This 360 degree work for Trend Micro was instrumental in winning the pitch for Dentsu with 5 agencies in the fray. You will find the collaterals in one of the subsequent pages.


Bread n butter ads for acer's different product offerings. These ads, though tactical, have been created to boost the brand image as well.

Parx from Park Avenue- pitch work

Thought- it's the day and age where our private world and professional world are no longer separate entities.
They co-exist, merge. Parx dresses you up to catch up with life.

The thought: it's a seamless world... the mindset and lifestyle of the young entrepreneurs have changed with the change in technology and time... monday morning blues/saturday night fever, job list/guest list, work load/loads of fun... it's time to catch up with life.